Early disclosure of campaign contributions

Early disclosure of campaign contributions should be mandatory before Election Day

Following the lead of Emilie Coyle during the 2018 fall election, I am releasing the list of contributions received for my campaign. The voters should have a right to know who support financially a candidate before voting.

I am glad that other candidates have also agreed to disclose their list of contribution. Unfortunately, one of them did not. Perhaps this is the list of contributions that people should know about.

Donor City Amount
Anna Barnett Toronto $500
Sarah Dingle Ottawa $200
Margaret Rousseau Ottawa $100
Richard Martin Ottawa $150
Joana Chelo Ottawa $200
Noor Ahmed Ottawa $100
Rose Fuchs Ottawa $100
Sandra McDowell Ottawa $200
Nicholas DuPrey Ottawa $100
Kate Davis Toronto $150
Kelly-Anne Madox Ottawa $100
Joe Chouinard Ottawa $250
Roger Picton Ottawa $150
Denise Rackus Ottawa $100
Dara Lithwick Ottawa $108
Donations under $100 Ottawa $400
Laura Barnett (spouse of candidate) Ottawa $1200
Marc Dorgeville (candidate) Ottawa $2800
Total   $6908

Thank you very much to all those who contributed.
